Pls tell me every mythic bro mon

I need to know

…ummm ok

Catstrophe Doug Sweezians ummm who else

Thanks keep going whenever you want

why do you need to know?

to get them or smth?

How do you get that little icon on your profile pic

To check if I have them all

oh srry for the late response its a flair
usually groups have them

but admins and leaders too

colug brrblaze Bro. mon

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There’s 6 Mythical

only OGs Remember FF/FirewallFenrir was legendary

Wow,then it will be my first legendary,not mythical

To check if I have them all

It is easy…wait…you wanna check if you have all mythicals or all bro-mons?


Choose 1 or 2,not Yes or No


1 jyt

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