Post How many bro Mon you have here!

I just need 1 more

i got 46

so lucky :frowning: i somehow lost to bromon WITH A CATNAP

i have 24

i just got one i have 25

ooh i got 47 just counted

wow what is it

mooLKshake its a common

oh lol

41 Bro-mon!

i have 49 rn :slight_smile:

i have 26

50! I just caught Viral Viper! I only need 5 more :smiley:


I need 4 more now, I just got emoji golem!

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I only need 1 more!

I know its catstrophe

I got my last Bro-mon!!! Yayyyyy

Congrats!! And… What happens now? You just wait for new updates or is there any gameplay further now?

I have 28