Quick math question!

Why not?

I donā€™t knowā€¦I guess it is base on someoneā€™s reply

Ok ummm :thinking:

I donā€™t know anybody who says it like that. We say grade 5, not year five.

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No year 5 better

Based on grammarā€¦Grade is better

Okay :+1:

Ok, if you say so.

I learnt to say year

Grade in your language is ā€œLopā€ Iā€™m lazy to turn on Unikey
Year is just ā€œNamā€

You to smart for 8 year old

Donā€™t ask me why I know

Ye she is not 8yrs old

No @Tutube

Ye I know

Oh thanksā€¦What a word

Hmmm ok

But Iā€™m 8 years old

Ok you to good for your age

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Catstrophe donā€™t join and tell that not real