Quick math question!


Oh not you that is confusing for you

its HARD


8^5=8x8x8x8x8=32128…I wasted my times

its 32_—_–

that what it is free numbers

how is it wrong please explain


  1. ( a \times a = 8 )
  2. ( a \times b = 16 )
    find: [ b \times b = ? ]

From the second equation, I can express ( b ) in terms of ( a ): b = \frac 16-

Substitute ( b ) into the first equation: [ a times a = 8 ] [ a^2 = 8 ] [ a = \sqrt 8= 2\sqrt 2

Now, substitute ( a ) is back into the expression for ( b ): [ b = \frac 162sqrt 2 = \frac 16 2 times 1.414} = \frac 16 2.828 \approx 5.656

The you have to calculate ( b \times b ): [ b \times b = (5.656)^2 approx 32

So, ( b \times b \approx 32 ).

That the answer basically

my bad my brain wasnt braining

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is a the same number as a. If it is then axa cannot equal 8




hello earthings i come from mars :space_invader:
anyway, here’s a math problem!
(if you’re in 9th or higher then you’d know the answer)

— ​=e(³𝑥 - 2y + 𝑥²e - 2y

Is that physics

no, just simple maths

For you

yes im only 2 years older than you

No your 13 are you?