Request Your Bro-Mon Master Badge Here! 🥇

here’s the post: Request Your Bro-Mon Master Badge Here! 🥇 - #188 by sweezy

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okay @Catstrophe your scaring me

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your way over thinking it and making me think i dont deserve it

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im not saying that im just saying it’s hard and you need to know that you can’t just get it it needs hard work and @sweezy needs to notice and im sure he has noticed you at points.

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and sowwy

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oh you think he noiticed me?

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probably, just keep it up

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allright now im determined


dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. CaseOh

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@sweezy i am reqeusting a leader badge or regular badge

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what have you done for it? just asking not trying to diss your request is just like to know

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you have to be a bromon master first dont rush

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no you don’t

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Can I have a bromon badge?

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Can i pls have master

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done :ballot_box_with_check:

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