Request Your Bro-Mon Master Badge Here! 🥇


I saw it just now

i need it tho bc i reported a bug

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there’s a bug rn


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i almost have the badge hunter one i just need 5 more :smiley:

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ive got 15 bro-mon ima show a bro-mon idea!

boo box :skull:

@sweezy can edit it if they want. lol :skull: :bromon:

we love bro-mon!


hey @Catstrophe plz grant i hav a good idea 4 a new bro-mon go to the newest topic in the bro-monster ideas catigory for ideas heres the pic!

make ur own topic :3

look at this!

used copilot to take this!

plzzzzzzzz give me the badge!!!

i have all!

just open the extension?

open the extension

ur only showing ur commons rn

Sunny Starling its a rare. Ooooooo!

guys whats’s the galaxy gang thing?