Request Your Bro-Mon Master Badge Here! 🥇

i do have all here is proof

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make the badge icon a golden bromon

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I like it how it is, but I’ll make a poll and if we decide to make it gold, I’ll ask Sweezy

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Should we change the Bro-Mon Master badge icon to a gold BroMon or keep it the same, poll below:

  • Gold
  • Keep as is
0 voters

I got all the bro-mon can i have badge pls?

btw it looks like that because im in school and its been blocked

and yes that is my dog

@sweezy can i be a regualer?

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I think you deserve to be one @Huntah

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Here you go!
Screenshot 2024-05-16 12.18.50 PM

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kirbo has finally been certified

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wait KIRBO?!??!!?!!??!!?

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Screenshot 2024-06-07 08.11.34

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can I have bromon master I have them all

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can i have the badge I made art and fan art

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I gotchu bro
Screenshot 2024-06-07 16.43.06

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this is sus…

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Thanks for pointing that out!

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