Roblox ask or dare(A truth or dare twist)

Ask me a truth or dare
:x:Banned dares​:x:

  • Try to get banned
  • Please unsub to premium

Dont copy dares i have done(cmon be original)
Post only 2 dares everyday(4 if dare saturday)
Don’t be salty if I don’t do your dare today I might do it an other day
Do a roblox dare(off topic dares are prohibited) do a roblox dare like “try to make robux in a week”.

Proof i have premium


Do a dare @Good_boy2494


Make a dare pls dont say random things @Pancino @Good_boy2494

K, i want you to break my record, 600 hundred robux won in 3 days in one of these roblox games : Starving Artists, Starving Pianists or PlsDonate