Show off your custom Bro Mons here 🎨🎨😖🖌️

:skull: i mean not bad its just…


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yay a solo leveling fan


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Rarity: legendary
Type: brosarrrr
Description: A water monster turned into a killer

of the land!


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Welcome to the community!

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hi im cool

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just my type of bro-mon



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did you use Chrome Canvas?

i think so because of the type of writing is it that pen one?

def google canvas

Bro I can’t believe that my first idea was posted on this topic but now I have the most voted topic in bromon! More than this!

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No cloud does…
it is Bro-mon related and an idea technically…


he is not reading what I said

No in the bromon ideas

its a Bro-mon Idea…

something that could be in Bromon is basically a Idea Concept = Idea

Can u give a link?