Simulate your life as a bro-mon trainer!


Hey! Let’s simulate your life as a bro-mon trainer? Just answer some polls and in the end of this quiz, you can CREATE your own bro-mon trainer card :smiley:

  • You just receive a Burger-Turtle as your initial partner, witch common bro-mon did you find?
  • Caffeinimator
  • Tweet Spectre
  • Chickarange
  • Serpants
  • Chrome T-rex
  • sURLferfox
  • CodeBug
  • FluffiNFT
  • CrumbleCrunch
  • MooLkshake
  • Whirlibee
  • RatBerry
  • CacheCreeper
  • PuddingSlug
  • CinnaBunny
0 voters

Well done! You just catch you second bro-mon! Will you use it?

  • Yes, of course!
  • No, I prefer my Burger-Turtle
0 voters

You are in the correct way!

You just was browsing on Sweezy Community and find an Mythical! Which one is it?

  • Catstrophe
  • BroMon
  • Monster Catnap
  • Doug
  • BrrrBlaze
0 voters

You have two options, run away or fight it, which one did you choose?

  • Fight, of course :boxing_glove:
  • Better run away :hatching_chick:
0 voters

If you choose:

Fight: Sorry, but you lose it… better luck next time!
Run away: Well, you don’t had the opportunity to fight with it

Few days later, you just founded an 3 uncommons and got it 2 of them! Choose two bro-mon on this poll, and one in the other:

This poll is for the uncommons that you GOT IT

  • SnapGhost
  • S’moreceror
  • AvoGator
  • BreezyDisk
  • TeaTusk
  • Zoombie
  • CoviDef
  • Tabby Tangle
  • Update Blaze
  • MystiXtension
  • AdVacuBlocker
  • Bubba Bubbaphant
  • Frosty Buddy
  • NatureNaut
0 voters

This poll is for the bro-mon that you lose it

  • SnapGhost
  • S’moreceror
  • AvoGator
  • BreezyDisk
  • TeaTusk
  • Zoombie
  • CoviDef
  • Tabby Tangle
  • Update Blaze
  • MystiXtension
  • AdVacuBlocker
  • Bubba Bubbaphant
  • Frosty Buddy
  • NatureNaut
0 voters

Let’s go! Today is your first weekend playing bro-mon and you got it 3 rares and also 1 epic! Which one am I talking about?

The 3 rares was…?

  • NoiRaven
  • DeepRedditDweller
  • SushiSerpent
  • Candy Golem
  • Cloudphant
  • Phantom Phanter
  • Snuck
  • HissingHat
  • Sunny Starling
  • StoxSpydr
  • CometiX
  • Taco-Turtle
0 voters

Which epic did you got? I just forgot it :crazy_face:

  • GalactiPanda
  • Baby Grooty McFly
  • SollarFlutter
  • Google Googler
  • Wheely-Clicker
  • ViralViper
  • Dapper Squid
  • Monster DogDay
  • Monster CraftyCorn
  • Bearoni
  • DimenSpherr
  • Fire Donut Ace
  • StegoSnack
  • Pro-V-Bas
0 voters

Well done! You just find one legendary! You are with your epic yeah?

  • Yes, I am :relieved:
  • Oops… No forgot it to change :grimacing:
0 voters

If you choose:
Yes: today you aren’t with luck… Sorry, you lose it
No: Maybe the luckiest guy in the world? Well done!

Maybe you choose yes, maybe you choose no, it doesn’t matter, because your bro-mon extension glitched and you lost your progress in the last battle… So sad!

You was in WikiFandom and finally, another legendary! Which one was it?

  • OrbChrome
  • FirewallFenrir
  • EmojiGolem
  • EnchFrog
  • Flappy Bird
0 voters

Is important i know because you just LOSE IT! No… Just kidding lol! You got it!!

Here, its time for the rematch! You find a mythical, the same that you find in the start of your journey, you will fight?

  • Yes!!:boxing_glove:
  • Yes!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
0 voters

Right… you just… you just… Win the battle!

After a while… you got every single bro-mon in the game and became a Bro-Mon Master! Well done!

The best part: Now you can create your own bro-mon trainer card that I created!
Here it is:

Screenshot 2024-06-05 18.36.53
Let’s goooo! Put your card here, on the comments!

@sweezy what do you think about this?

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switched to The Playing Zone as it is more relevant. Pinned! Deserves a good recognition


2 months pinned


Thanks :smiley:


I thought it deserved to be pinned


my mouth tastes like teeth :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :tooth: :lips: :lips: :lips: :lips: :lips: :lips: :lips: :lips: :lips: :lips: :lips:

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erm what the sigma

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Please don’t forget to comment and vote

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Nice post! I finished!

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this post is dead

not anymore