Space bro monster idea

swezzy we should add a space category for the bro-mons like for example an astronaut or alien because it would be cool to see that and maybe a space ship.


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I think you guys are asking swezy for tomuch

If u want I can design it for u

yes pls.

i tried to make the alien for my idea its not the best but I like it

Hey MrBurger id love to see one of your designs :slight_smile:

this is my desing

kinda bad
I know


only had 1 min

Here’s my take on this:

it looks like some thing from castle crashers
download (14)

Exactly what i was playing a few minutes ago, thought i mind as well give it a try since everyone else was doing alien’s lol

I luv the game

Same I play it on ps4 you?

PC but I also play on ps4 and xbox


whoa i just saw your drawings those are sick!

are you all talking about Castle Crasher or a different game I like Castle Crashers but I play on Switch its kinda hard since I’m still learning the controls .