@sweezy can u make 0 limmets to votes

I can’t vote any more

You mean the 150 max votes per day?
This limit is to stop people from making too much posts per day and voting for it, or stopping you from, for example, vote-for-vote trading.

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But I can’t vote every day

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That’s weird.

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So I had to unvote for some stuff

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Maybe you used too much votes in one day and there’s a glitch?

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I just started the I day I used a vote 3 left

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2 left and I don’t even have 100 votes

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0 left

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Isn’t a glitch, when I wasn’t a leader the same thing happened

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ok cloudphant

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cloud this is a common glitch were if u vote smth u can’t unvote ik what hes talking about

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that seems weird