@sweezy help me please

Screenshot 2024-07-30 5.34.01 PM
Screenshot 2024-07-30 5.28.20 PM
Screenshot 2024-07-30 5.27.59 PM


might just be a warning but @sweezy should know either way

@M_nh_Trn please apologize to @narutoxkurama

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Ok you but @narutoxkurama dont spam code in general and spam luffy taco in anny post

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to drop a quick note here to remind us all about the importance of keeping things positive and respectful. We’re all here because we love [Bro-Mon/Games/Anime/Cursors/whatever specific community aspect applies], and this place is a lot more fun when we’re all getting along.

Let’s all take a step back and remember that behind every screen is a real person with feelings. :emojigolem_crying: Treat each other with kindness and respect, and let’s make this community a welcoming and friendly place for everyone. If we can start here, who knows, maybe we can make the world a little better too!

Thanks for being awesome, and let’s keep the good vibes going! :galactipanda_battle:

Peace and love,


thanks for wrapping this up @sweezy


that’s just an excuse



what bruh

@M_nh_Trn have you apologized? Please, it’s just not right to not say sorry.

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He did not he making exucses

Bro you calling everyone using excuses. Like WHAT?

He is tho and u don’t really understand