@sweezy if u heard anything about me here is the explanation

yeah @AyoBird said that i making fun of him but wait is the word offense really a bad word??? i said it in a sense of like a dude who makes fun of everyone which is not bad like u seee but what he did instead i mean not just him @scratchgamer who made a drawing of me and @TheBssimulator who made a whole topic againste me which made me heartbroken i am gonna link everything under but some who knows me well even corrected them idk they made so much fun of me… @activelysane323 this dude accualy supported me very well
and @TheBssimulator @scratchgamer @KRISSY made fun of me for not a real reson

and for those who said i made fun of @3o4z ideas it was accualy a post to tell everyone to remake the bromons that look bad i didnt mean like @3o4z ideas are bad i said that the doodle drawing was bad

if u still support @AyoBird U better ban me from this comunity cuzz i dont wanna stay somewhere everyone hates me other than 2 ppl i am really heartbroken

I have nothing to say…

and what u siad?? u said that i say badwords which has no proof

:slight_smile: … Ok

the explanation is

right here Account destruction

and if this was wrong I was just a new member that time and i didnt know much about this community

lol i even got 3 hearts


about my bro-mon

I don’t even know what team should I support

Cancel or not

Cancel CringeXD’s bro mon! - #50 by AyoBird and @AyoBird said that look like that