@sweezy why don't I have credit for blob

@sweezy I made a blobfish idea and it was added but it said it was made by cloud I posted it a month earlier and didn’t get any credit. I think you should add that me and Cloud made it and I do not have Blob yet but I can see people saying it was made by cloud. Please change this.

Hello! I see your concern here. @cloud actually didn’t request a blobfish, he just created a slime that @sweezy made into a blobfish. I think the current Blob should have credit to you, athough I don’t think @sweezy saw your post about it. But yeah, fingers crossed @sweezy fixes it! :crossed_fingers::slightly_smiling_face:

Sweezy Added Done to it as if it was added so sweezy did see it I think

oooooh. That’s quite strange. I’ll let @sweezy know about this, and I think he will update it soon.

Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that it wasn’t me who marked your idea as DONE; it was one of our leads. They really shouldn’t have done that.

Your idea is a bit different from GrumpyBlob, even though he ended up looking similar to Blobfish. After all, he’s green and doesn’t have fins. I’ve reopened your idea and removed the DONE tag, so our designers will eventually get to it. We’ll make Blobfish more in line with what you had in mind.


The grumpy blob?

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