The daily scratch gamer blog

day 1: should i play?

  • daycare
  • waterpark tycoon
  • smth else
0 voters

idk know about smth else though.

I choose (something else),my option for you is…play with your friends or siblings…in real life

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no @Tutube its roblox

Fine,I’m undo

so @Tutube daycare or waterpark tycoon


ok so @AyoBird scroll up and vote for the poll(its roblox)


You should play a game that you haven’t even play anytime

what the h3ll is that

An option from him

theres no yesnt @AyoBird @Tutube

Vocab check

It means Yes’not


i dont play waterpark tycoon all the time

@Tutube @AyoBird

Your life,Your choice

Tip:Ask your parents