The different type of Cars Sweezy cursors

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Hi, please write what cars you would like us to add, and we will try to make it happen for you :red_car::blue_car::racing_car::taxi::police_car:

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in my opinion: * [#1 Volkswagen AG (VWAGY)]

  • [#2 Toyota Motor Corp. ™]

  • [#3 Stellantis (STLA)]

  • [#4 Mercedes Benz AG (MB)

  • [#5 Ford Motor Co. (F)]

  • [#6 General Motors (GM)]

  • [#7 Honda Motor Co. Ltd. (HMC)]

  • [#8 Tesla Motors (TSLA)]

  • [#9 Nissan Motors (NSANY)]

  • [#10 BYD Co. Ltd. (BYDDY)


BYD: Build Your Dreams in China where I live. PS: I am not Chinese

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Ok :ok_hand: nice ideas

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Yep, I know this car brand, I’m not Chinese too

Yep, I know this car brand, aaaand I’m not Chinese too

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Hi yeah those are great ideas but I also want to add an idea. What about the Nissan gt-r.
