The Enchant Station! Wizard of Ox!

Ever feel like the battle experience is boring? Ever wish you can get broken powers to make your bromons unstoppable? Well have no fear, The wizard of Ox is here! The wizard of Ox is a powerful magician who can grant your bromon legendary enchants that can break the game! Although, you would have to sacrifice something to him so you can grant those powerful enchants to your bromon! The wizard of Ox orders you to pay him 2 Spinach Pro’s, and 3 Pixel Elixir’s. Once he is granted those items, select a bromon to be blessed with these powerful enchants! There would be 3 enchants as listed below!

Fire - Burn your enemies. When you attack, your enemy will slowly but surely take damage exiling your oppenent from the battlefield.

Lifesteal - When you attack yourj enemies, instead of them losing HP to the void, it will be granted to you making you an unstoppable oppenent.

Electric - The more to hurt your enemy, the more static they’ll have to experience. This will cause their luck to be ruined having a way higher chance to do less damage.

Screech - The lower health you have, the more damage you do. Make your oppenents forced to bow down before you and surrender before they get exilied.

Hope you enjoy! @sweezy

:cool: voted

Dark matter(not evos) can get 2 exclusive enchants(I scrapped the idea to cure them and they follow your commands as often as regular bromon)
Shadow resistance:
When the opposing bromon gets a buff, that buff’s power is halved

Bane of shadow:
Gives 2x attack and has a cool shadow attack effect. Also doing an attack has a chance to wither which every turn the target takes 3-10 damage every turn


Bro for crying out loud bromon is not an anime game and the wizard of ox has absolutely nothing to do with dark matter bromon.

Thanks for voting!

Well how about use it as a public enchant

What is that ment to mean?

Every dark matter(And regluar variants) can use it


More enchants
Bubble shield:A shield summons at a start of the battle and will prevent attacks for 3 turns.

Dragon’s brew:Like fire but stronger and boosts your stats by a bit
Nimble:When the dodgy buff is on the opposing bromon the enchanted bromon will always attack it without missing

Make more!

Bro I don’t like the concept of dark matter bromons and it is a copy from pet sim X.

Here lies:
Pet simulator X

Bubble shield: Too op you’d win every battle
Dragon’s brew: It only would be good without the fire
Nimble: It would almost never happen and it ruins the point of buffs

Bubble shield protects you for 1 turn
Dragons brew is now called Tough cookie and gives you a defense boost and attacks have cool particles

Nimble is called Bane of frost and has a chance to freeze the opponent for a turn when attacking

Bubble shield: Enchants are ment to last the whole battle not for 1 turn
Tough Cookie: We already have a buff called high def
Bane of frost: I like it just the name

Bubble shield is called Ninja and boosts your attack and speed

Tough cookie is called High defense and it does what it does

Bane of frost has same effect but new name:Frostbite

Pet simulator x 2021-2023
Pet simulator 99 2023-still updating in the present day

Bubble shield: What does speed do?
High defense: well now it’s just a buff.
Frostbite: :+1:

Higher speed means you go first
Reverted change back to tough cookie