The mecha drama on my perspective

mecha has been spamming us failures in every chat he could spam it in. he said “OH MY ZEUS! you failures!” in a game enhancement idea by someone that wanted a bromon alarm. i said rude things but it was because to defend this community. but then arba made me delete that post and made me apologise? mecha was clearly judging people of their opinions. and calling us failures? then arba made mecha an arba member. and when i asked for a public apology they said his apology was in the chat. i is not very public cos some ppl dont even check the chat. and then arba proceeded to threaten me and some other guys saying “im gonna beat you to a pulp” whatever. but thats all. and im sorry for calling u a dumpster raccoon. there i said it mecha.

U know im reporting this to arba and moderaters u know?

Good… @RatBerry… youre the mature one for admitting it…

i dont plan to be immature intentionally.

Well you arent… since the apology…



anyways im gonna go offline until an arba member repliess

bye ig.


Is this an apology?


U know what?
Im getting mecha to make an aplogy too
Because he was doing it too so

He did apologize… just not as openly…

Im gonna make rhem apologise public

What you mean by that…

He DIDNT make an apology
If this keeps going on i will and have to get moderators involved

…It is over now…

ya it is over

Its not…