The Sweezy Community Is Losing Users!

In case you didn’t know @activelysane323, @AyoBird, @narutoxkurama were last seen a while ago and today @TheBssimulator announced he is leaving the community but I have some good news as well: We have been gaining users a lot more but we have lost some important users, I fear the community is going to lose users until there are none left.
This maybe be the end of this community which used to be full of users and beauty but user count has been crumbling since September and if this keeps happening the community won’t be a community, it’ll be a group, let’s hope it doesn’t.
I have one question for you guys:
When was the last time you saw more than 10 people online and chatting at the same time or in the same day ( think about it ).
I wanted a Good New Year but we’re not off to a good start.

: (

:frowning: I’m so sadddd

Even if its my own words, its heartbreaking to read them

Yeah :frowning:

well that just sucks

Oh and atleast not the “We need more users!” topics

@TheBssimulator is leavimg?

Sad News: @Good_boy2494 also is deciding if he wants to leave
Good News: He said we can vote if we want him to stay! ( please vote stay )

Why does everybody say they want to leave because we’re losing users but the reason we’re losing users is because you guys want to leave, If no one leaves we can make it through this awful time together and bring back the Community to it’s happier days.

This might be reason the community comes to an end.

yea we’ll see about that


Ill vote


I really don’t want anyone else leaving

Kind, voted!

Bro check out CosmoFox, is published now

ill still stay

ill stay i dint know @Good_boy2494 was leaving cant leave this community vulnerable


I’ll stay