THEORY ZONE! - Current theories - v1.14.0

In this topic, in the replies, we will make theories on stuff that might be added in v1.14.0!
I’ll put the most popular theories right here on the topic!

Guess I’ll start lol. Ok, my theory is is that they’re going to add PVP Mode in v1.14.0. Sweezy stated multiple times that the next update is going to take a while and it’s going to be a massive one so it’s very likely going to be PVP or something else big like bro-coins or something!

Ye like a conspiracy?

More like thinking what sweezy will add in the next update so we can try and prepare for it!

huh cool

i have no theorys but it is cool to here yours

Hmm I’m a kinda Minecraft conspiracist but I’ll try hmm

I have one… “The void will consume us all, we will all comply and all follow without our regular self… The lies have been believed but the truth might come soon…”…

ok now its not cool anymore ur maybe the void but still im not scared of vanishing in the void for eternety…

because im THE immortal