This guy stole all of my ideas and HE INSULTED ME [Problem fixed!]

I don’t have the direct insult on messages because I reported it. @sweezy!!!
His post:
My post:

There are so many more posts that he copied.

How do you know?!


Who are you?!

Yes thats true, he repost your Flama idea and said that was yours! @TheBest stole all of your ideas. @sweezy bann he!

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I agree

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bruhhh this kiddo

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@cloud I feel so bad for you, I knew that flama idea was yours and was always kinda skeptical of that guy… BAN HIM

@TheBest I, as a bro mon master, hereby banish thee.

Whoa, we’ve never seen this before…:laughing:

Just wanted to give you all a heads-up that we’ve had to suspend a user for their antics. He/She has been banned, and all his/her fake ideas have been cleared out. We did this to keep our community awesome and focused on real, creative contributions.

Thanks for sticking around and keeping things fun and genuine!


Thanks @sweezy !!

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omg probably first person banned

sweezy W

the best L

fr chat

fr sweezy W

Thank you!!

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