Tutube's New Bro-mon ideas?

Your drawings are amazing and btw if u dont no yet your krusor is going to be added

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And instead of putting ideas here make new topics. I noticed taht your made a new topic about krusor, and right when you did that krusor got added.

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So just make all of your ideas into different topics in the ideas page

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I don’t know!This drawing is look bad and funny.
By the way,while playing a game,I saw a guy named Anonymouse,that’s why I make this bro-mon…Why it look so funny?!
Phrase?:“Hacking the sewers!”
Description:A little mouse,but a professional hacker.This mouse was having a happy life,until it found a computer from a hacker.The mouse use it,learn it.The mouse is now hacking all the sewers in the world!

.Hey @Sweezy,you can change if you don’t like…But if you choose mine to be the new bro-mon
,please reply me


He def on “Tor” pretty good drawing tho


Phrase?:“Mystery of profile”
Description:One of the default avatar,this person is still a mystery.When people have their own avatar.This person go away,because his job is finished.

.Hey @Sweezy,you can change if you don’t like…But if you choose mine to be the new bro-mon
,please reply me

why ava tho

I dont know how to name it perfectly,can you name it?

Any = Anonymous
so AnyDefPerson?

Like a question but cool!

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Ava means Avatar…

Avatar Default Person?

Default Avatar Person…not good


Eelectric Bro-mon
I’m out of ideas now,and I guess I’m not gonna make the drawing on paper in some day because the phone have a problem.
Phrase?:“Light up the ocean with electric!”
Description:Eelectric born from an ocean,the nature give it a special ability that is electric.But this eel just evolve into another version.More powerful electric,Light up where it go.

.Hey @Sweezy,you can change if you don’t like…But if you choose mine to be the new bro-mon
,please reply me

Kewl :emojigolem_angry:

Actually not cool…

Bro it looks sick

Sick of bad

Maybe the teeth but its good for a beginner