Wana play a game?

okay here are da rules i will give u a trp u got stuck in i give u items if u can logicly get out u win if you cant come up with a realistic or are not abel to tink of any thing pass on the turn if some one get it right i will give a new challeange then do that one no double attempts

okay bet

you are taped to a table you can only reach 2 things you cant seem to be able to b==reak the tape on your own you have a knife and a bolt near you but the knife is just a bit out of reach it seems like you could hit it woth some thing (easy)

call #Andres69 to break me out

you can only use those items i give u
u ccan try again but no more

can I play pls

pretty pls


ok lets play

ok uh

can I use the knife as self defense

Throw the bolt hard a nof to make something fall and it will push da knife to u then u can get it then ur free

I will throw the nut at kife and grab it then cut the duck tape