Water bear bro-mon

Name: water bear-Mon
Catchphrase: Toughest animal on Bro-Mon
Description: Water bear-Mon was a normal tardigrade until he got sucked up into the world of Bro-Mon turning into some of them
Rank: Legendary
Type: Fanfave
Body of a tardigrade aka water bear
Burger turtle burger for body’s skin
Pulse pal heart in the burger
Bro-Mon face for face

It is meant to look like some Bro-Mon’s

uhh the bear looks like bromon


That’s the point

lmao ok cool

You should if said that

No offfence


hows that a bear. looks like a pillow.

5 pillows and bromons face = waterbear

It is a water bear
Screenshot 2024-04-17 092148

This thing

ik what a waterbear is

Search it up

bro did you read what i said goofy

or you taking to @activelysane323

absolutly terrifying


Even for me