We are losing users

We lost friends and foes but if this keeps happening our community will become nothing

like who

ill list some

@activelysane323 @AlexDTO



And @FluxTombo84

It’s unbelievable

i am just the empty core of Sweezy Community, slowly burning out, but something is fueling me. perhaps the users never left?

You can’t unbelieve anything in your life…

Bro @Catstrophe left and no one is talking about him… lol

wait, did they actually say they were leaving?


hope they come back soon

wenamechiindosama, tumaharbisaun

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im baecccc

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you’ve always been here, just reading, but not replying.

@The_Mystery, you’ve been watching users, you have been observing, you have been very observant and TRYING to be mysterious. All credits to you!


A specific user named @Unknown_Error should be suspended though