We Need More bro mons faster

I think for people who are done bro mon
its boring

we need more new bro mons


Please be patience waiting for the next update! You know designing the bro-mon isn’t easy. And the next update will bring us many cool bro-mons! But just be patience!

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someone has hatred for me

Or you have hatred for them

He’s just trying to tell you to be patient

It’s hard to design, code and make a Bro-mon, so as @Tutube said just be patient

Another hatred person

Wow I have a coleection

we’re not hating, you are hating the fact that everything doesn’t work your way

We’re just saying that it’s hard to code and design and make it look good, if you’re bored I have another suggestion for your freetime, since you finished

this is is basically bro-mon but mostly a multiplayer and storymode game, I suggest trying it

when did i say its not hard to code

yeah but sweezy works mostly alone

and its an entire game, that gets lots of updates

works alomst alone

yeah sophiabeifong designs them

soo anjjj111 and @syeda ayesha Noob4 and @ferrajanseeens

dont think like me


you said you and people dont think like me
but this people voted