Welcome all asian

we welcome all asians and those who have asian blood in them
if you are not asian you can still join and show off your bro mons

hi i asian


asian but in austrlia

asian people always get bullied in my school

what school urs called i will sort out

NIS in thailand

ah ayone who bully asian people please send their email to me

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how many bro mon do you have?


yes i will turn their pronouns into ‘then’ and ‘was’ and ‘used to be’


ps. good profile pic

i use my rare bromon to defeat a legendary one look:

my first legendary!!!

Oi I would advice yout to please change the number in your name.
Before I find you.


Cool new avatar,Jasper!

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I don’t like the mark of the beast, nobody should. Do you know what it means?