What about a poop Bro-mon?

A poop in Emojistrong text


First of all: Post moved to [New Monster Ideas ]

A poop emoji would look really funny in the game, but you could add more information to your idea by following this simple template:

Name: (the name of your bro-mon idea)
Rarity: (Like common, epic and mythical)
Type: (Like Cybrrr, Foodie and Browsarrr)
Catchphrase: (small quote about the bro-mon)
Description: (Give it a good description)

If you want, you can add an image. Don’t forget to at least, if you don’t prefer to use this template, add a little text (even if it’s small) about your idea so that sweezy can understand it better!
But of course: I loved this idea and even with little information, I could imagine a bro-mon poop emoji