What new Groups Should We Create? Share Your Ideas! :awkward_look_monkey:

:nerd_face: :point_up_2: Erm According to my calculations if Sweezy grants you mod then you get added to the mods group and no you cant create a group yet

… ok?

bro ur gen alpha yk that right

so can u make me a warrior cats group?


i oined here 5 days after u-

bro leaders cant make groups

1 day

bro scroll up :nerd_face: :point_up:

ur where not born before 2010

mmm may 22nd

sweezy just said you share ideas abt groups!

… ik

oh you went off

im bac

Wait a minute! Whats this?

oh what lemme check


you can select ur bro mon before u do a battle-
