What new Groups Should We Create? Share Your Ideas! :awkward_look_monkey:

Hey Sweezians! :wave:

We’re thinking about adding some new groups that you can freely join, and we’d love to hear your ideas! What kinds of groups would you like to see in our community?

And here’s a fun bonus—we might even add custom group icons that you can display next to your avatars! :distracted_boyfriend: :distracted_boyfriend_2:

P.S. Groups on our forum are like little communities within the community. Joining a group can give you access to special topics, allow you to connect with like-minded members, and even get some cool flair next to your avatar!

Drop your suggestions below and let’s make this community even more awesome together! :noice:

Can I create a group?

Group? How it works?

That sounds sick… :emojigolem_lovely:


Personally if you can make one and make me the leader of it can it be called The Galaxy Gang

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I would not participate cuz i’m not from the galaxy, only for the sky :cloudphant:

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oh well, maybe you can have a group of your own? Also, @sweezy can we be able to create groups since we are mods?

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I dunno how this group function work actually i didn’t know that this exist

We can see also the groups for diff trust levels

What is a group? Help pls idk whats that

Go to more and then you see group option click that

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I didn’t knew about it… Thanks!!!

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It’s still probably in a beta version so we can’t create it or something

Hey sweezy i can see that you are a very fan of one piece (by your pfp and now by your flair), so how about a group about anime lovers… wait, I need to create a full answer about my ideas! :emojigolem_messages: :emojigolem_messages: :emojigolem_messages: :emojigolem_messages: :emojigolem_messages: :emojigolem_messages:

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i’ll start

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Can i make a warrior cats group? Plssssss? That would be great! :emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely:

umm I don’t think leaderz can create groups as far as ik that mods group been there since caveman times XD

Sweezy typos be like lol

how do u join.a group-