:1_sweezy_cursors: What Would You Like to See on Sweezy Cursors website? Share Your Ideas!

Hey Sweezy fam! :wave:
We’re always looking for ways to make our site even better, and we’d love to hear your thoughts. :bulb: What features or improvements would you like to see on Sweezy Cursors site? Whether it’s a new type of cursor, cool customizations, or just tweaks to make things smoother, we’re all ears! :art:

Let us know:

•	What new features would you love to see?
•	Anything we could improve or change?
•	Any bugs or issues you’ve noticed? 🐞
•	Or maybe some wild, creative ideas you think would be fun to add? 🎉

Drop your ideas in the comments below, and let’s make Sweezy even sweeter together! :candy:

Thanks for being part of the community – you guys rock! :boom:

Maybe change the Ui for seasonal changes like Halloween is coming up


Ummm I dunno actually

Something like wat @Catstrophe said

Something festive or like a home page google doodle

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I would like to see an example of the cursor…Like a picture of a cursor in a background of Google…

I’d like a welcome animation when entering the bromon website

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“Sweezy Cursors website”…maybe it’s not even matter

Ok :+1:

Wats up?

i would VERY like an Ado (the singer) cursors so maybe her new-ish
album zanmu or her other one
and i’d like a miku cursor but pls make it kind of simple

who is Ado?

a singer…

ok thanks for telling me