Where's my attack button?

While surfing web…I saw a bro-mon,I click it and it bring me this:
Can anyone explain for me what is this?I can’t do anything,can’t attack,only can exit from battle,please help me!I guess I’m gonna lose this bro-mon

Oh yeah that is Blob he is uncommon and Oddballz.

bro thats kinda unfair

That’s sad… I feel bad

no he knows, hes telling that he can’t attack

Poor guy

I dunno cuz it never happen to me before

It happens to me when I beat the bromon

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Bro I know it’s sad but the world doesn’t always work no offence

I get that same bug when I defeat the monster

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I don’t get any bug. :rofl:

leave battle, its just uncommon

they dont matter

sorry new guys

I am not new……