Which Bro-Mon is your best and why? Who did you use to get it? Is it an acheivement?

For me it is definetly my pain typer. He is a epic, and I got him using an rare. Phantom panther.

Welcome @Preston_Chantrasook

Cool idea and welcome to the community

Hey man welcome too. are u new?

No I am quite old

who is your best bro mon?

my best bromon is fitty and i got it with a fluffiNFT

Probs I think 2 months in community

Welcome too @Samuel_Lima

Did you spell that right? Samuel lima

I dunno

Are you really a Good Boy/Cat

I am not a cat but cat lover

scrappy is goat

my best is catnap

Three new member coming…The community is become famous?

my best bro-mon is sweezians

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My best is FireWallFenrir :firewallfenrir: and used Emoji Golem to get it.
My FireWallFenrir got 49 wins and 1 loss

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My best is also Firewallfenrir,all my information about it:
My first mythical bro-mon
Defeat by Solarflutter(Epic)
12th bro-mon in total collection
93 wins
5 looses
Second bro-mon that got defeat by Solarflutter(First epic)
And…yeah…no achievement here about single bro-mon,currently…

Wow 93 wins.

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