Which bromon has the most wins

mine is wheely clicker since it was my epic before I got a legendary.

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my is catstorphe


Firewall Fenrir with 15

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CandyGolem with 14 and 1 loss

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1 loss is fighting against BroMon

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mine is sushiserpant with 18 wins and 1 loss

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Mine is Baby Grooty McFly and ViralViper
But now that im almost ended i’ll use only Doug

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My orb chrome has 26

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Firewall Fenrir with 10 but I just got Doug so not for long

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My catastrophe has 28

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my wheely clicker has 39 wins


FirewallFenrir with 34 W’s and 4 losses.
my fenrir is goated :sunglasses:

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mine is Viral Viper since it was my epic before I got a legendary.

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Google Googler for now but now i’m using StegoSnack

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my castrophe has 22 its not much but it’s my best

My catstrophe hasn’t lost :sunglasses:

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myy emoji golem 38 wins

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bro-mon and doug and bearoni and orbchrome is undeafeated

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With the wheel, no.
My orbchrome lost to a ViralViper and Pro-V-bas

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emoji gfolem with 43

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