Whos the oldest girl here in the sweezy community 🤔

im 15 hb yall

I am a boy 10 years old

I’m a boy and I’m 17 yrs old
(for the 1,202867954610^10 time)

i am neither and i my age is just like my search history (gone)

Sweezy community has been added on your search history

but it got removed 0.234 seconds ago

i have auto sesrch history cleaner

So you are technacly not human…intersting :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

your pfp changed… i just realised

im a girl and im 7 years old

yes and


Under age


Ummm yeah shes 7 :skull: the rest of us are 11-16

Ye she did not read the terms of use

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She cant even spell :sob:

Yes I saw :sweat_smile:

And she used profanity :skull: :pray: