Wiki pages! Pls give me badge

it’s a wild one sooo cute



oh, ik! I saw! its so cute!

lol oops


tf (wut)

I know what tf means bro- you diont have to translate everything for me :rofl:

no no I said “tf” because I didnt know wut you were talking about breh

:stuck_out_tongue: wut

bro stop with that emoji :skull:


:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

its sus

bruh :3

:…: stop with the" fg" in the chat kid ur a bit to young

dang bro just got humbled

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bro really said “fuk girls” :skull:

it also means drugs :skull:

i didnt mean it by that i only said it bc u made a big deal abt my typo which just so happened to have a f and a g bruh