Wiki pages! Pls give me badge

no you did mean to say that not cool @TheBssimulator

I said taking my g like ur talking

bro now ur ganging up on me :confused:

@TheBssimulator said he was 12 and he posts this?? and hes a leader?


he watches to much tiktok XD

Blocking @AyoBird + @activelysane323

its a joke

ah yes ofc

why block? you are doing wrong thing as a leader

bro blocked a leader just bc of a joke

yes its just a passive joke i sense no hostility at all

yeah not even hostile to hurt someones feelings besides bssimulator

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

yea right

yea RIGHT!

Yo Y’all are good at humbling people @AyoBird @activelysane323

You don’t even use bad language :rofl:

thank you