Wiki pages! Pls give me badge

Im not trying


ok but TheBssimulator thinks


u don’t like jokes

bruh- that wasnt a joke to me

Ermm he “funnier than ur life” wasn’t funny but to you it was

it wasnt funny it was just a joke that somme people dont get lol

it wasn’t funny and it was a joke :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

ok lets just forget abt it bc ur making too big a deal abt it :confused:


“somme people dont get lol” 1. incorrect spelling 2. incorrect use of grammar 3. no proper capitalisation 4. no punctuation 5. very low level vocabulary 6. doesn’t make sense at all

yes i agree but

SP = Spelling Error
U did a spelling error

i australian so it is ‘s’ not ‘z’ spelling


