About the New Monster Ideas category

Hiii everyone


Hi bro

Name : Fishobi
Idea : It is a fish with a shinobi headband
Rarity : Legendary - Epic
Type : Wildify
Description : Fishobi is a shinobi who has a bit of a fishy flair, and enjoys going to his favourite plankton bar

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A Thanos bromons rarity mythic type galactic he has a infinty gauntlet and the description is I am inevitable


Hi and good night

Base on what you say…I calculate that your time is 9:16 when I’m typing this

How do you know???

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I want a New Monster related to Kidsnews maybe like NewsBot which is Mythical and has lots of cool moves


welcome @Phantom_Boba to sweezy community i hope your having fun

Name: Cap’n
Rarity: Epic
Type: Oddballz
Description: A swashbuckling, sea-sailing, pirate who likes sword fighting and making people walk the plank!
Design: A yellow oval with a captains hat on, and orange stubs for feet. Also he is holding a pirate sword in his orange stub hands.

Cool :sunglasses:

Aj_001, Great!

This is my new bro mon link (please vote!):

(dont worry about the yeah)



a close up of a minion with a big smile and the words thanks written below it