About the New Monster Ideas category

Idea:from nowhere
Type:FanFave?idk,do it,Sweezy
Description:Born from a storage in a war.WildRoardiation was a normal barrel.Until there’s a bomb destroyed all other barrel,he feel lonely,angry.Now,he is on the way to revenge for his friends.

Hey Sweezy,you can change if you don’t like…But if you choose mine to be the new bro-mon
,please reply me

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Name: Huggy Wuggy
Rarity: Legendary
Type: FanFav
Description: ???


Name: Slimy
Idea Jumps alot
Crush (level): Epic
Type: Wildlife
Description: Slimes are bouncy, cube-shaped hostile mobs that spawn deep underground in particular chunks, or in swamp biomes. They attack by jumping at their targets, come in three sizes and larger slimes can split into smaller ones on death.Design: a minecraft slime
and instead of running he hops away
and everytime you attack his animation makes him become more slimes
Catchphrase(optional) Slime that Steals the Show.


Name : Night Hunter
Type: Iconicz
Rarity: legendary
Phrase: Why focus all your efforts on reshaping the Dream World
Description: He is the tyrannical ruler of the Grim Realm and the master of the Grimspawn who wishes to escape Dream World and rule the waking World.The Nightmare King had a belief that instilling fear in others would ensure his lasting memory, and thus he embarked on a mission to corrupt the Dream World. His sinister plan involved terrorizing dreamers and stealing thier imaginations.
Colour: purple ang black.

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Name :Megalagone
Rarity: legendary or mythic
Type: wildfly
Cachphrase: Surfs up surfs …GONE?
Description:Born from a glitchy website Megla-gone appeared.With a digital bite and a hunger to surf this online roamer leaves crashing websites in its wake.This shark uses its skills to surf the web with insane speed and a pair of jaws that pack a punch this shark is one of the most dangerous digital creatures.The best surfer on the web!


So here it is an idea about a turtle, photo by @AlexDTO . Okay… I’m not going to create a full topic about it so here it goes:

Name: Boturtle

Idea: A robot turtle made of metal. It lives in a technological/futuristic city where there are many “flashy and futuristic lights”.

Crush (level): Rare

Type: Cybrrr

Catchphrase: “One, two, three… Attack!”

Description (max 250 characters): Introducing Boturtle! The best known for being the (not slow) but the most robotic! Be careful if you are in the most futuristic city on the internet, if you stumble upon one of them, it will throw stones at you in three seconds, quickly, run away! (It doesn’t have 250 characters)

Design (optional):

More information:


Epic drawing! Only if I can draw that good!

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Make the first Minecraft Bro-mon. level legendary a creeper who creeps in to ur browser and appears with an explostion type:browsaaar i will be waiting :blush:




idea @CringeXD


Indiana Phones: ‘This iPhone 5 will thrive’
Rarity: Legendary
type: Iconix
As apple contines to make new phones the iPhone 5 is left in the dust. But not this iPhone, Indiana Phones born from a glitchy sim card of Indiana Jones, now he acts like him going on adventures and destroying bad guys everywhere he sees one. But he some how always wins


Fix a little bit :wink: :
Name:Creeper or Creepy Green (if we have a copyright problem)
Phrase?:“Creep you to Minecraft”
Type:Browsarr or Webby??
Description:A creeper that escape the game and try to scare people.It exploded many browser and run away.It’s chased by the game to this day and still wandering the browsers.
Appear:The face of the creeper or a explosion???
Idle:a creeper
run left and right:Legs go up and down.
Battle:Make the creeper’s face angry???

Your idea is cool,hope it be add soon.
Sorry if it’s look bad :frowning:


name: alfred fox
crush: epic
phrase : the opposite of toxic
in old vikings mythology his the representation of pure souls and he lives in the woods so he can help brave users how stumble upon him

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Name: Dumpster Fire
Idea: “Most People’s Life!”
Crush (level): Mythical
Type: Oddballz
Description (max 250 characters): It used to be a normal dumpster until someone set it on fire, now it roams the back alleys while being on fire!
Design (optional):

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I like that but the description should also have somting like a bro mon that comes creeping to ur browser and pops with an explostion think buddy and face charged creeper
any way i need credit :smiley:


guys can use this to make your own bro mon


I guess you can take that description and other random things away…I don’t know why but guess I give it to you now :wink:


thanks! :smiling_face:


We should have a Void Gamer Bro mon, taking inspiration from Discord. It should be Epic with 45 health. Plus, its attack range should be 5-17. It should look like a purple aura with a headset, make it also have blank white eyes and a blank white smile.


download (1)

he is legendary
crush: fanfave
fight with draws!
description:he came from the screens of paintings and fighting games to defeat all the bro-mons that exist! With his extraordinary and powerful powers he is and will be able to defeat everyone!
made by: rafaelversatti

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