June 25, 2024, 5:11pm
When you defeat bromon depending on their rarity you earn brocoins and you can use those brocoins to buy things in the bro shop and PVP can have duel requests so no-one gets bullied
Add ur ideas below
June 25, 2024, 6:00pm
in bromon shop u can buy potions that can boost ur bromon spawn rate and bromon coin boosts
Very good but we already have a lot of similar ideas:
So basically I think there should be a Bro-Mon currency called ‘Bro-Coins’ and you can use them to evolve your Bro-Mon. You should also get Bro-Coins from defeating a certain rarity of Bro-Mon. Here is a list:
Defeated common: 10 Bro-Coins
Defeated uncommon: 20 Bro-coins
Defeated rare: 35 Bro-Coins
Defeated epic: 50 Bro-coins
Defeated legendary: 75 Bro-Coins
Defeated Mythical: 100 Bro-Coins
Defeated ???: 500 Bro-coins. (that is if the ??? rarity gets added. The link to it is at the bottom…
there should be an option to fight other people. some guy already said that the game should be linked to our account instead of device, so like using the account we find other players and fight them
And a lot more!
June 25, 2024, 6:20pm