Pvp other players

there should be an option to fight other people. some guy already said that the game should be linked to our account instead of device, so like using the account we find other players and fight them

Thats actually so good

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Good idea just voted :wink:

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who wants to face my doug and bro-mon

yes yes

yooooo great idea :D.

ya …


The only problem I think is that it might be too complicated :/.

my catstrophe will be an unstoppabble force!


want to feel my moolshake and whirlibee

soooooooooooooooooooooooo good

OMG yeah if you like put someones username in you can battle them or email but they need bro mon thats so good please add

This has the potential to be good but I think it would be better if different types of bro-mon had different effects.

Which I guess is a comepletely different idea…

@kyratsu thats a good idea like catnap could get double attack by making you sleep with red smoke thats so smart

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I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING if your lucky you get a chance to have the wheel and get a buff or debuff

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i want there to be a double battle