The Best Bromon Ideas!

Here I will be putting the best ideas I’ve seen on sweezy community for bromon

  1. PVP other players across the world Pvp other players

  2. Add abilities to bromon Abilties For Each Type?!

  3. Trading bromons What if Bro-mon had trading?

  4. Bro Coins and Bro Shop New Bro-Coin currency + evolving Bro-Mon

  5. Evolutions Monster evolution

  6. Bro Pass New idea: Bropass?!

  7. Shiny Bromon Shiny bro-mon should exist

Hope This Helps!

Change the topics name

Cuz this is a suggestion for like

But if as u said in the topic where’s all those ideas for bromons eg: cuplain or something

Thanks for including mine :slight_smile:

no probs :slight_smile: