Can I make a bromon

So I want a Ice sundae bear with a cherry on top

Hey there! :wave: I see youve stumbled upon the magical world of Sweezy Community! I’m @Catstrophe, one of the moderaters and I welcome you to this wonderfu place. And, of course you can!

sup im one of the 1% of the good people here the good people are the owner, all of the leader, me and my friends @narutoxkurama and @Tr_n_Th_Huong

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literally almost everyone here is nice

yeah but the extra nice people

yay I am nice hi icebear do u whant to be my friend

happy happy happy
happy happy

Hey, welcome to our community!

Yes, of course you can make a bro-mon, you can use this topic to help you:

The simple template is:

Apparance (this is optional, but for me it is important to @sweezy know how its would look like):

Actually, you can create an image for your idea, you can represent with anything, your drawing, AI art, i don’t know, be creative!

ps. Post moved to [Bro-Mon Questions ], when you create an topic, don’t forget to change it’s category!

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Hapi hapi hapiiii