New bro-mon idea: Sloth Bro-Mon

I have a new bro-mon idea:

Name: Philosloth
Type: Wildify :herb:
Rarity: :game_die: Rare
Phrase: “I think, therefore I sleep
Description: On the highest branch of the Tree of Knowledge, there will be Philosloth philosophizing in its beautiful dreams.
Apparance: Like a greek philosopher but in sloth version, with a tunic reading a book or with the hands on the chin, for me don’t matter how many toes it will have… Can be gray or brown, but i also accept with magical colors like red or orange :wink:

:zap: @sweezy can make any changes for add it, add more description or changes the apparance! Feel free to create! But please add it :zap:

That’s a great idea, would be really fun a sloth bro-mon

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This is actually pretty good i liked

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I love this idea!

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I did this images with the help of AI


@sweezy !!!

Such a good idea!

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thanks! you relived this forgotten post and my first bro-mon idea!


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wait this is your first?

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