Sonico exe, legendary

it is legendaary because he is very stronger in real life :grin:

Is it a little bit too horror?Even it is not actually horror anymore.But there are many children there,I don’t think they not scared of it,it even be a nightmar…I’m too far away.

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The image too much scary for a kid game, try do it more simple

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ta bom agora o sophia?


That’s image look okay now,not very horror. :+1:

Man, I think I’m going to delete it, no one will like it

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Why?Keep trying,Don’t Give up too early!


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don’t give up dude

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It won’t work, it’s very scary, nobody likes it, forget it

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Noooooooooooooooooo,Don’t give up,this idea was alived in <20 mins!

stop bro

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too early to give up

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lol, nobody like, believe in me

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Are you sure?

I like it

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Bro don’t be like that :frowning:

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:dotted_line_face: :dotted_line_face: :face_in_clouds:

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