Request Your Bro-Mon Master Badge Here! 🥇

There’s no one…

how about sweezy

Same issue…

didnt Sopiabeifong come back??

@sweezy , i completed it 3 weeks ago!

i got it all could i have badge :slight_smile:

And then legally leave again for life

well ok

hi i got every bromon!

i would really like the bromon master badge!

That’s so fake, Appie, Angroid, and Digipanda are inverted

why is there a question mark

sorry my bad cuz i have this thing called dark page which makes some stuff inverted. I will now take a better screenshot.

the question mark is because if ur internet has problems or is running on school internet some things cannot load. it happens to me too.


can i please @SophiaBeifong @Catstrophe @sweezy

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is this better evidence?

hi @YJB46pro

i know its real

got them all

this is proof plz give badge