Request Your Bro-Mon Master Badge Here! 🥇

u should catch all bro-mons

oh no!

sorry i didnt mean to assume gender that was rude of me


Well, that’s not even a problem anyway :slight_smile:

Sweezy, I got em all!

I also have my inventory full of pixel elixirs…

can I have my Bro-Mon master badge?

Bro, my friend caught them all in the same order :rofl:

i’m stocking up on spinach but I mostly have pixel elixirs

can i be trust level 1

or 2 please

you are trust level 1

can i get trust level 2 please i have made so many ideas and ive helped others

read the message sweezy sent you when you were upgraded to trust level 1. There will be a link that says trust level and it will tell you how to get to trust level 2

i dont see anything

funny just found it right before you sent me it thanks

your welcome

Can I have Master Badge?