Tutube's New Bro-mon ideas?

Thanks,but I think it look bad

Type:Idk,Do it,@Sweezy
What is Phrase?:“Don’t use me,I’m very toxic”
Description:SmokingCigar is a cigarette but have his own mind.He always smoking,but he know that it’s not good for him but he can’t stop.Now he is a smoker,but still try to destroy all the cigarette.

Hey @Sweezy,you can change if you don’t like…But if you choose mine to be the new bro-mon
,please reply me

i want catbulb as a new bromon its so cute

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Can I ask you guys?If I can…Should I upload all my ideas to this topic or make a topic for each ideas?
Because I saw that people make a topic for their each ideas,so I’m wondering that what I should do?

Type:Do it,@Sweezy.
What is phrase?:“Check your move!”
Description:Just a Queen.Fighting for the King,their relationship.Always ready to fight,because the relationship so she is the strongest in the chess.

Hey @Sweezy,you can change if you don’t like…But if you choose mine to be the new bro-mon
,please reply me


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What is soulray?

Your spiristingray

soulray?That’s cool

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Soul rays is a bit more catchy i think :+1:

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I guess I’m gonna edit that name

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Hey,i can’t edit that :frowning:

Ik there is a edit period and then edit expire

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it says “422 error”

The demon angel can be Devangelo

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What should I do to edit that?

Submatichump and the type should be Cybrr bc the inside is robotic lol for SubmarineHumpback

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I’m pretty sure you can’t edit it anymore

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I’ll try to edit

why?I also see that error when I try to edit something else.madb